or (618) 327-4800
Sheriff: Ross Schultze
Chief Deputy: Craig Campbell
Deputies: Charles Carroll, Cindy Meyer, , Andrew Howard, Chase Harrison, Drew Knope, Robert Brittingham, Stephen Lemons, Joe Berry, and Nathan Hagemann.
Part Time Deputies: Gene Rowell
Administrative Assistant: Brittany Bateman
as of: April 21st, 2023
Please remember we count on all of our fellow citizens to help us deter, solve and prevent crime and criminal activity.
Anonymous Tip Line: 888-DROPTIP(376-7847
Or check out the MobilePatrol App. https://apprisssafety.com/solutions/mobilepatrol/
Telephone: 618-327-8273
Crash reports can be obtained online. Go to www.buycrash.com, select Illinois and Washington CO Sheriff Office to begin.
You can call 1-877-EZBAIL5 (392-2455) to post bond. You will need:
Pay Location Code(PLC): 9116
1) Credit or Debit card.
2) Detainee's Name.
3) Docket/Case/Booking number. 4) Cash Bail Amount and any other fees.